Join this lively conversation with communications professionals, Advita, Jenni and Trudy, as we discuss topics such as imposter syndrome, productivity and leadership. You‘ll pick up practical tips, tactics and good ideas. There‘ll be plenty of fun and laughter too. Listen while you cook, drive, walk or work. Each episode will be under 40 minutes so we hope you can find a place for us in your day.

Friday Apr 28, 2023
SE07 EP 02 – Taking Control of Your Life
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
In this episode, our Calm Edged Rebels discuss what you can do to really take control of what you are doing and where you are going with your life.
In this busy and hectic world, it can be so easy to get caught up with the hype and trends and not be authentic to yourself. Do you have clear defining moments in your life that have shaped the way you carry yourself? Have you unpicked those moments to understand how they affect you now? Several useful tips are given, and a great discussion ensues between Jenni, Trudy, and Advita to help you understand and guide you forward.
To continue the conversation, and share your thoughts and ideas, please connect via Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.
Power of Moments by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Friday Apr 21, 2023
SE07 EP 01- How to maintain motivation
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
How do you keep your motivation going?
How well do you know yourself to understand how you operate?
Does your human or chimp brain take over?
What is your inner monologue telling you?
In the first episode of Season 7, Jenni, Trudy and Advita discuss where you can find your motivation, where it comes from, the choices you must make, and the consequences of not sticking with it.
To continue the conversation and share your thoughts and ideas, please connect via Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.
A Leader Like Me – www.aleaderlikeme.com
Advita’s book - Kogan Page (use COMMSREBEL code to save 20%)
Growth mindset from Season 6, Episode 3, Calm Edged Rebels podcast How to Get a Growth Mindset - Calm Edged Rebels
Busy by Tony Crabbe Busy by Tony Crabbe
High Performance by Jake Humphrey High Performance by Jake Humphrey
Mel Robbins https://www.melrobbins.com/
Soundtracks by Jon Acuff https://www.amazon.co.uk/Soundtracks
Chimp Paradox – Steve Peters Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters
Atomic Habits – James Clear Atomic Habits by James Clear
Drive – Daniel Pink Drive by Daniel Pink
Fun and Enjoyment and the Scale of Joy from Season 5, Episode 7, Calm Edged Rebels podcast Fun and enjoyment and the scale of joy - Calm Edged Rebels

Friday Apr 14, 2023
Season 7 Trailer
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Season seven! It is here! And this time, we have created a trailer for you to reintroduce yourself to us at Calm Edged Rebels.
Jenni is the Calm, Trudy is the Edged and Advita is the Rebels of Calm Edged Rebels!
Traditionally, in previous seasons, we talk about anything to do with business, leadership, communication, life, and everything from impostor syndrome to credibility to fear and trust, we've covered it all!
We spent a bit of time last year looking at what Calm Edged Rebels is all about and what we want it to be. In this season, you will find, we're much more focused on you as an individual, and how we can help you think about how you might want to live the best life for you.
To continue the conversation, share your thoughts and ideas, please connect via Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.

Friday Dec 16, 2022
S6 E10 – How to live with uncertainty.
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
In the final episode with Jenni, Trudy, and Advita, they ponder on how to live with uncertainty.
All our lives were affected by the pandemic, and we had to adjust to this concept and cope with this constant feeling of uncertainty. How did we do this?
This is a good conversation for the Calm Edged Rebels who can offer advice to people who are experiencing ambiguity and uncertainty, but also to think about where agility might come into organisations, the link to resilience, and exploring for our own experiences, not just with our clients or who we're working with. But how comfortable are we with uncertainty and ambiguity? And has that changed from the pandemic, where there was so much that was unknown that have, we naturally developed more of a resilience and therefore we are slightly more comfortable with the unknown.
Thank you for listening to season 6 of our Calm Edged Rebels podcast. We hope you have enjoyed this season and continue to keep listening!
To continue the conversation, share your thoughts and ideas, please connect via Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.
Stakeholder Mapping by Redefining Communications How to manage stakeholders - Redefining Communications (redefiningcomms.com)
Quiet Quitting Article by Trudy Lewis on LinkedIn Post | Feed | LinkedIn
Science of Fear book by Dan Gardner The Science of Fear: How the Culture of Fear Manipulates Your Brain: Amazon.co.uk: Gardner, Professor of History Daniel: 9780452295469: Books
Remotely Interested - Deskless middle manager research from Redefining Communications: Downloads - Redefining Communications
Calm Edged Rebels coaching retreat Retreat New - Calm Edged Rebels

Friday Dec 09, 2022
S6 E9 – How to rehumanize leaders.
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
In this penultimate episode, the Calm, Edged, Rebels challenge the phrase ‘rehumanize’ and the potential separation of personal and professional approaches when in an organisation.
‘What is your purpose’ is that a heavy question to answer? What motivates you at work? Do you feel empathy as a leader? How do we remain feeling human in a digital world?
What place does purpose and meaning have for someone who is trying to develop emotional intelligence? And that more human side? Do you think it has a place?
To continue the conversation, share your thoughts and ideas, please connect via Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.
Rehumanizing Leadership book by Sudhamshu Palsule and Michael Chavex Rehumanizing Leadership - Amazon
Redefining Communications Podcast with Jenni Field – Understanding Empathy and compassion:
Empathy and compassion S3 E9 - Redefining Communications Podcast
Ikigai article from BBC Ikigai: A Japanese concept to improve work and life - BBC Worklife
Coaching Retreat – Calm Edged Rebels Retreat New - Calm Edged Rebels
Edge model – Colinear The Edge Framework – Colinear
Confidence Coaching by Comms Rebel Coaching – Comms Rebel
Calm Edged Rebels Podcast Season 6, Episode 3 How to Get a Growth Mindset

Friday Dec 02, 2022
S6 E8 – Where does culture sit in an organisation?
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Where does culture actually sit? Who is responsible for culture in your organisation? Which department should take ownership of this? What makes a culture successful? How do we start getting people used to talking and observing and listening?
In this episode, Jenni, Trudy, and Advita consider and question how we can tackle this when factoring in all the everyday changes of an organisation.
Tips and thoughts are shared on how to help you along the way.
To continue the conversation, share your thoughts and ideas, please connect via Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.
Organisational Culture by Edgar H Schein Organizational Culture and Leadership by Edgar H. Schein
Culture Code book by Daniel Coyle Amazon.co.uk : Culture Code Daniel Coyle
CIPR CEO Research Report – Click on Download PDF button Resources (cipr.co.uk)
The Field Model by Redefining Communications The Field Model - Redefining Communications
Influential Internal communication by Jenni Field Influential Internal Communication - Redefining Communications
Fish rots from the head by Bob Garratt Amazon.co.uk : fish rots from the head

Friday Nov 25, 2022
S6 E7 - What makes us credible?
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
In episode 7, Jenni, Trudy and Advita discuss what credibility means to them as individuals and how this can be interpreted to others.
What makes someone credible? How does someone build credibility with their audience?
Authenticity, integrity, likeability, trust – do these all play their part in making us credible?
Several tips and reading suggestions are shared within this podcast for you to take this conversation to your peers and discuss further.
To continue the conversation, share your thoughts and ideas, please connect via Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.
Speed of Trust - Stephen M R Covey: The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything: Amazon.co.uk: Covey, Stephen M. R., Merrill, Rebecca R.: 9780743295604: Books
Previous episode where women are expected to perform? Leadership episode? Is that this one? Women In Leadership - Calm Edged Rebels
CER S6 Episode 1 - Building a Culture of Trust Building a Culture of Trust - Calm Edged Rebels
Redefining Communications Inspiring Goodies by Jenni Field Inspiring Goodies - reframing leadership, changing habits and finding quiet - Redefining Communications (redefiningcomms.com)
Redefining Communications Podcast S3 E10 How to know if leadership is for you Chaos to calm: How to know if leadership is for you S3 E10 - Redefining Communications (redefiningcomms.com)

Friday Nov 18, 2022
S6 E6 – Lost art of conversation
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Have we lost the art of conversation? Have we lost the ability of conversation due to technology advances?
In this episode, Jenni, Trudy, and Advita have a great conversation getting to the crux of how many times they say the word conversation and importantly, learning how we can get back to conducting proper conversations with people. It could change your life and inspire you. How do we build real connections if we cannot hold a proper conversation? Do you feel present in your everyday conversations?
To continue the conversation, share your thoughts and ideas, please connect via Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.
How to have difficult conversations S5 E3 How to have difficult conversations - Calm Edged Rebels
Productive agreements S4 E2 How to be heard with productive disagreement - Calm Edged Rebels
We need to talk by Celeste Headlee We Need To Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter: Amazon.co.uk: Headlee, Celeste: 9780349416380: Books
Poles Apart by Alison Goldsworthy. Laura Osborne and Alexandra Chesterfield https://www.amazon.co.uk/Poles-Apart
Silent Power by Stuart Wilde Silent Power: Amazon.co.uk: Wilde, Stuart: 9781561705368: Books
Unleashed by Frances Frei and Anne Morriss https://www.amazon.co.uk/Unleashed
Simon Sinek on Steven Bartlett’s Diary of a CEO podcast E145 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-zuTZuYeCg
Speed of Trust by Stephen M R Covey https://www.amazon.co.uk/Speed-Trust-Thing-Changes-Everything/dp/1416549005

Friday Nov 11, 2022
S6 E5 – Women in Leadership
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
In this episode from Jenni, Trudy, and Advita, we listen, learn and discuss their experiences of working in leadership positions throughout their careers.
As three experienced business coaches, the Calm, Edged, Rebels raise important questions over:
- Perception of women in leadership positions
- Gender equality
- Seeking validation
- Women’s opinions of other women in leadership
- Responsibility towards ownership of when you are ready for leadership
- Asking for help
To continue the conversation, share your thoughts and ideas, please connect via Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.
A Leader Like Me – www.aleaderlikeme.com
Brené Brown www.brenebrown.com

Friday Nov 04, 2022
S6 E4 – Who is responsible for inclusion
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
In episode 4 of season 6, Advita leads the conversation about inclusion and inclusive cultures and raise some poignant questions.
Who has the responsibility of inclusive conversations?
How do internal communication professionals contribute to this conversation?
Can only a few people be affected by this?
How far can this conversation apply within your work and home life?
Jenni, Trudy and Advita help to discuss their thoughts on these questions and more, sharing tips on how to navigate the way through these discussions.
To continue the conversation, share your thoughts and ideas, please connect via Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.