Join this lively conversation with communications professionals, Advita, Jenni and Trudy, as we discuss topics such as imposter syndrome, productivity and leadership. You‘ll pick up practical tips, tactics and good ideas. There‘ll be plenty of fun and laughter too. Listen while you cook, drive, walk or work. Each episode will be under 40 minutes so we hope you can find a place for us in your day.

Friday Apr 22, 2022
How to have difficult conversations. S5 E3
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Building on a previous episode that covered productive disagreement, here we look at how difficult conversations come about, especially for leadership. Although we tend to grapple with difficult conversations, we shouldn’t avoid them.
We use real-life examples to illustrate there are ways to learn how to navigate and deal with such dialogue in a way to enhance your life.
When it turns to tears we discuss the impact raw emotion and crying can have on conversations, the benefit of writing emails or recording voice notes that you never send, and how to avoid a dispute at an event becoming beer-gate!
Please continue the conversation, rate and leave a review, or share your thoughts and ideas by connecting via Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.
During this episode we refer to the following resources:
Difficult Conversations: How to discuss what matters most by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton and Sheila Heen
Podcast S4 E2 How to be heard with productive disagreement
Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me) by Carol Tavis and Elliot Aronson

Friday Apr 15, 2022
Hybrid working and the impact on women and underrepresented people. S5 E2
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
This week’s conversation was prompted by a thought-provoking article entitled Could The New Hybrid Workplace Turn Some Women Into Second-Class Employees?
As the statistics make for a worrying read, we ask: What are organisations doing to support people who choose to work from home? How can we ensure unconscious bias doesn’t adversely impact those who are ‘out of sight’? What can business leaders and communicators do to make sure that women and underrepresented people are not further excluded from opportunities?
We discuss the responsibility of individuals to ‘show up’ and be visible. There’s heated debate around knowing how and when to nurture people. Plus agreement to scrap D&I policies, and that “designing for the minority will benefit the majority” to make work a very different place.
Please continue the conversation, share your thoughts and ideas by connecting via Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.
During this episode we refer to the following resources:
Could The New Hybrid Workplace Turn Some Women Into Second-Class Employees? article in Forbes
Podcast S4 E1 on remote and hybrid working: Why ice cream and yoga won‘t improve your culture
Podcast S4 E12 Future trends for 2022
The pandemic revolution by Redefining Communications
Blog: Make networking work for you
Remotely Interested research into deskless workers
The Great Indoors by Emily Anthe
Podcast S4 E8: How thinking differently can create belonging
Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed
Inclusion on Purpose by Ruchika Tulshyan
Blog: Thinking differently about hybrid working

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Expectations - how they link to our happiness. S5 E1
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Welcome back to series 5 of our podcast! In this first episode we discuss expectations and how they link to happiness and resilience. Expectations of ourselves, of other people, of work, of society, of events and how each of these can impact our own perceptions of happiness.
We explore what happiness is and how finding happiness isn’t about constantly chuckling while grinning from ear to ear. And we conclude with our usual round up of top tips to takeaway.
As always, there’s lots of happy laughter throughout, and during the conversation we refer to the following books, articles and resources.
Poles Apart by Laura Osborne, Alison Goldsworthy and Alexandra Chesterfield: https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/111/1119814/poles-apart/9781847942975.html
Happy Sexy Millionaire by Steven Bartlett: https://stevenbartlett.com/happy-sexy-millionaire/
Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles
Brené Brown and Karen podcast link: https://brenebrown.com/podcast/accessing-joy-and-finding-connection-in-the-midst-of-struggle/
Steven Bartlett interviews Mo Gawdet on the Diary of a CEO podcast
To continue the conversation, share your thoughts and ideas, please connect via Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
And finally, for regular news updates and details on our Coaching Retreat, subscribe to our newsletter here.

Friday Mar 18, 2022
Introducing Season 5
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Welcome back!
We are back with our next season on 8 April 2022.
In this trailer episode you can find out more about what we have been up to and what you can expect from this season as we are making a few changes!
If you want to find out more about us, head over to https://calmedgedrebels.com for all the info.
During our conversation we refer to the following resources:
Unleash Your Inner Rebel conference 14 June 2022
A Leader Like Me podcast
Frontline workers – protecting the “third space”
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Coaching Comms Retreat

Friday Jan 14, 2022
Best of the Season Bonus Episode. S4
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Welcome to this Bonus episode of our award-winning podcast.
Hold tight for a whistle-stop tour of season four with our six clips, hand-picked from 12 episodes.
There were so many memorable moments, but we were strict and limited each of us to pick two personal favourites.
We hope you enjoy listening!
Jenni Field
E5 How a ham and cheese baguette can help you listen
E11 Living and sticking to your values
Trudy Lewis
E4 Intentions – Live from Comms Hero Week
E10 Leaders are responsible for psychological safety
Advita Patel
E7 Build confidence, beat imposter syndrome
E8 How thinking differently can create belonging
Listen to all episodes here:
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Rebel Ideas: The Power of Thinking Differently by Matthew Syed
Unleash Your Inner Rebel: 24 June 2022
The Comms Retreat

Friday Nov 26, 2021
Future trends for 2022 S4 E12
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Welcome to Calm Edged Rebels; Trudy, Jenni and Advita’s award-winning podcast, which was only this week featured in Bananatag’s ‘22 Best Internal Communications Podcasts for 2022’.
As this is the last episode of the current season, our news section reflects on the podcast itself and the people who support us. And we have a question for you: how useful do you find our news discussions, and should we continue them into season five? We’d love to hear your thoughts.
The final big topic gives us an opportunity to gaze into the future and debate what the big trends will be for 2022 and beyond.
We talk about the rise of ESG and AI, and the influence they have over the ways we communicate. Changes in the use of technology have shaped the past few years, but where can we find reliable sources to learn about developments in the tech of the near future?
Diversity and inclusion, women’s safety and personalisation are all prevalent themes right now; which of these are likely to dominate our thoughts in the year ahead and how can we make sure we know how to work well with them?
Find out which trends we predict will increase and what we’re doing to stay ahead of the curve.
Finally, we want to say a big thank you to you, our listeners. We enjoy sharing our thoughts with you and we appreciate your support.
Throughout the conversation we refer to the following books, articles and reports:
Calm Edged Rebels website
Join our mailing list
Intensive Comms Retreat 23 March 2022
Comms Retreat
Seren Creative podcast production
Sustainable fund assets hit record $1.7 trln in 2020: Morningstar from Reuters
It’s Time to Stop Talking About “Generations” from the New Yorker
The Happiness Expert That Made 51 Million People Happier: Mo Gawdat podcast interview by Stephen Bartlett
Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World (2021) by Mo Gawdat
Pandemic Revolution by Redefining Comms
Chartered Institute of IT
Digital Leadership Forum

Friday Nov 19, 2021
Living and sticking to your values S4 E11
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Welcome to Calm Edged Rebels; Trudy, Jenni and Advita’s award-winning podcast.
The focus for our news section this week is the recent change in attitude towards sending work texts and emails outside work hours, following a change in the law in Portugal. You can also find out why this is Advita’s last news section of the season.
For our big topic, we explore the concept of sticking to and living with your values. Are organisational values worthwhile, and to what extent do they differentiate companies? What happens when we meet people who have opposing values and how does that fit with cultivating inclusivity?
Find out how we advise leaders to live their values while embracing diversity and how we can make an effective link between values, behaviours and decisions for ourselves.
Throughout the conversation we refer to the following books, articles and reports:
Jenni’s blog featuring ‘Call to ban out-of-hours emails’
Rebel Ideas: The Power of Thinking Differently by Matthew Syed
Facebook criticised by its own watchdog over famous users being exempt from rules by Callum Jones, US Business Correspondent at The Times
CIPR Specialist Diploma: Internal Communication
Magma Effect: Values Matter with Jackie Le Fevre
Listening to Shame (The Shame Spiral) TED Talk by Brené Brown
Books by Brené Brown
If you want to find out more about this topic, or about us, head over to https://calmedgedrebels.com for all the info.

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Leaders are responsible for psychological safety. S4 E10
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Welcome to Calm Edged Rebels; Trudy, Jenni and Advita’s award-winning podcast.
In our weekly podcast, we share our views on the big subjects for professional communicators, leaders and coaches. We also take the opportunity to share topical issues with you.
We have our own announcement to make in this week’s news section. Tune in for the latest information about our Comms Retreats and find out what our brand new offer is.
Our big topic centres on psychological safety and the extent to which it’s a leadership responsibility to foster a psychologically safe workplace.
How much do factors like industry, culture and hierarchy impact on levels of psychological safety? What kind of behaviours can crush people’s confidence and what role does belonging play?
We consider the role of personality, relationships and the need to create safe spaces in the context of current work places.
Throughout the conversation we refer to the following books, articles and reports:
The Fearless Organization by Amy Edmondson
Podcasts with Amy Edmondson
Rebel Ideas: The Power of Thinking Differently by Matthew Syed
Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed
Leadership Personality Types by Colour
Psychological safety and trust are not the same thing blog by Redefining Communications
Psychological safety and the critical role of leadership development research by McKinsey & Co
The Positive Practice of Productive Disagreement blog by Calm Edged Rebels
A User Manual For Me blog by Cassie Robinson
The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings on Authenticity, Connection & Courage by Brené Brown
The Five Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage by Mel Robbins
If you want to find out more about this topic, or about us, head over to https://calmedgedrebels.com for all the info.

Friday Nov 05, 2021
How not to be weird when you‘re networking. S4 E9
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Welcome to Calm Edged Rebels; Trudy, Jenni and Advita’s award-winning podcast.
In our weekly podcast, we share our views on the big subjects for professional communicators, leaders and coaches. We also take the opportunity to share topical issues with you.
In this week’s news section we talk about the changing expectations of generations in the workplace and an emerging sense that Gen Z employees are quick to make demands their bosses don’t understand.
For our big topic, we ask the tough questions about networking. What is the power of networking and how do you do it? Is it OK to find a new job through your network or is that unethical?
As we met through our networking activities, we share our thoughts on the difference between virtual and in-person events and how to make both work for you.
We consider the role of internal networking and discuss whether we should have a personal networking map. We also share our thoughts on dressing to impress!
Throughout the conversation we refer to the following books, articles and reports:
Daily Mail article
Gen-Z workers are terrifying their millennial bosses with woke demands | Daily Mail Online
Simon Sinek: The Skills millennials and Gen Z struggle with
The Skills Millennials & Gen Z Struggle With | Simon Sinek - YouTube
Mel Robbins: The 5 Second Rule No One's Is Coming | Mel Robbins | - YouTube
Calm Edged Rebels podcast S1 E4: How to build and manage your personal brand
How to Build and Manage Your Personal Brand - Calm Edged Rebels
Unleash Your Inner Rebel conference 14 June 2021
Unleash Your Inner Rebel Conference, for leaders who think differently — Comms Rebel
If you want to find out more about this topic, or about us, head over to https://calmedgedrebels.com for all the info.

Friday Oct 29, 2021
How thinking differently can create belonging. S4 E8
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Welcome to Calm Edged Rebels.
Season four of Trudy, Jenni and Advita’s award-winning podcast.
In our weekly podcast, we share our views on the big subjects for professional communicators, leaders and coaches. We also take the opportunity to share topical issues with you.
In this week’s news section we compare how the change of the seasons is impacting us and our work. Listen closely to find out how many times Advita says ‘vibrant’ and you’ll know how much we’ve all got going on. We’d love to know how you are doing too, so contact us on our social media to tell us how you are.
Our big topic this week is inspired by Matthew Syed’s book, Rebel Ideas. It’s a book that focuses on diversity of thought in a broader way than a lot of the general dialogue around diversity.
We talk about the importance of widening your network and encouraging diversity of thought, while avoiding tokenism. How do we include and amplify the voices of those who are underrepresented, rather than speaking for them?
What are echo chambers and information bubbles? How do we create the trust that’s needed to include and hear wider opinions? Find out what tips we share to help you think differently.
Throughout the conversation we refer to the following books, articles and reports:
Calm Edged Rebels podcast episodes featuring Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed
Why ice cream and yoga won‘t improve your culture - Calm Edged Rebels
How to be heard with productive disagreement - Calm Edged Rebels
Calm Edge Rebels blog: The positive practice of productive disagreement
The positive practice of productive disagreement - Calm Edged Rebels
Calm Edged Rebels podcast: How leaders can create a sense of belonging
How can leaders create a sense of belonging? - Calm Edged Rebels
Unleash Your Inner Rebel Conference 14 June 2022
Unleash Your Inner Rebel Conference, for leaders who think differently — Comms Rebel
Matthew Syed’s book Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking
Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking by Matthew Syed (goodreads.com)
Self-harm and suicide rates taken from the Netflix film The Social Dilemma
If you want to find out more about this topic, or about us, head over to https://calmedgedrebels.com for all the info.